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I guess I wasn't sensitive enough
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Enjoy our stream from Tuesday, April 29th in PODCAST form!
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Traded in the gold for that platinum... falling off a building
It’s Time To Stop Giving Ukraine What We Think They Need And Give Them What They Want
BY Lt. Gen. Russel HONORÉ, former Commander Officer, U.S. First Army.
Uh… NO. Let’s set aside the “was never going to happen” shit (nukes, ballistic missiles, that sort of thing), which to the best of my knowledge they never asked for.
They keep asking for things that we neither can nor should agree to- Mainly TANKS. Even if we wanted to (which we shouldn’t), we can not sell them M-1’s and Challengers; These still have components that are too sensitive to risk handing over to ANYONE, not even most allies. We have alternatives (though the M-6Ø Patons are vanishly rare now), and we should perhaps develop an export-only tank (¿in conjunction with Britain perhaps?).
The Ukraine/Russia choice boils down to the lesser of two evils- Vastly lesser. News flash, that lesser evil isn’t Russia, and no matter what you want to play pretend it never was. I don’t give a half a ...